LINDA LINDA LINDA, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro, has been confirmed for the Festival. Its official website, in Japanese, carries the trailer.
Synopsis: A five-girl band are preparing to perform their compositions at their high school festival when one of them sustains an injury. Not wanting to withdraw from the festival, three of the girls decide to cover the songs by "The Blue Hearts". They need to look for a new lead-vocal. They have 3 days...
"What distinguishes Nobuhiro Yamashita's Linda Linda Linda from the crowd is a refreshing modesty. Rather than the usual underdog struggle against the odds culminating School of Rock style in the obligatory spectacular stage show and a fat recording contract, Linda Linda Linda's story revolves around four highschool girls for whom learning how to play a single song in time for the school festival is the ultimate challenge.
Known for his deadpan comic minimalism, director Yamashita is an expert at turning the uneventful into the resonant." http://www.midnighteye.com/reviews/lindalindalinda.shtml
yay! i was looking all over the place for this place :)
great choice. hope to see more good stuff confirmed for this year's festival.
film, i meant, instead of place :P
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