Monday, August 21, 2006

Can "Networked Filmmaking" work?

Jeff Jarvis over at Buzzmachine has a post about how two U.S. filmmakers successfully raised funds for a documentary solely through online contributions.

Read the post here: Networked Filmmaking

The article's here: "His Fans Greenlight the Project", Washington Post, 20 June 2006

Granted, they had a track record, an existing database of contacts and politically charged content. Still, their success suggests that this kind of financing is particularly suited to low-cost films with niche appeal. Certainly a much better alternative to draining one's bank account. Jeff Jarvis calls it "networked filmmaking", but I wonder if "networked financing" might be a more appropriate term. More importantly, can it happen here in Singapore?


Anonymous said...

Yo readymade, keep the postings up. really enjoy reading them. natch.

Readymade said...

Thanks a lot! Hope you'll keep coming back :D