Thursday, August 17, 2006

"The High Cost of Living" at The Picturehouse

Good to see more local films screening commercially, and this one opens 17th Aug. You can see the trailer here. It's unintentionally funny.

According to the synopsis:
Gid earns a living by eliminating problems for his clients. Terminally. He is a killer for hire but not a very good one. His actions have not gone unnoticed and his latest job has attracted the attention of the authorities. Gid soon finds himself being hunted by Long, a professional government assassin whose marriage to his wife, Sulee, is failing because of what he does. Gid's long-time friend, Aloysius and his girlfriend, Lily, become involved in the mess as he desperately tries to rectify the situation. Gid's only hope is that he can get out before Long catches up with him. A trail of bodies lead all the main players to a high tension hostage situation where they will have to deal with not just the police gathering outside, but also with their own broken relationships inside. When it is all over, none of them will come out the same.

Well well, a "professional government assassin"? If the government has to be evil, it'd better be cool evil, dammit.

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